Saturday, December 1, 2007

Introducing: 1201 S. Main

Since I got back from my travels, I've been trying to decide what to do with this space. Obviously, my thoughts of late have been centered on Michigan football, particularly with some exciting stuff going on right now.

I hemmed and hawed a bit about turning this into a Michigan football blog. It's not really why it existed in the first place, and furthermore, I felt that there's really little that I could add to the Michigan Sports Blogosphere, especially in a time when MGoBlog is incredible, beautiful blogzilla that it is. I can't touch what Brian does there in terms of in-depth analysis and reporting.

But one thing I do have: Proximity to Michigan Stadium. As I drove by yesterday, I noticed that the back wall of part of the press box has been knocked out and gutted. With all the talk of the renovations, this was the first indication I had seen or heard that the press box seems likely to come down *this year*. (The construction plan does call for a new pressbox, but it is also slated to take part in phases over the next several years.

So, I thought a blog dedicated to Michigan Stadium, and all the ancillary facets of Michigan football might be a fun little niche that I can fill.

While driving by the Big House a few nights ago, I was struck by the sign on the gate at the SW corner that I'd never really noticed before, prominently noting the address of Michigan Stadium: 1201 S. Main.

Seemed as fitting an address as any for a blog dedicated to the stadium.

However, as I set up the name this morning, much bigger things are stirring in the world of Michigan football... The head coaching search is at a boiling point. As of early this morning, ESPN was reporting that Les Miles was going to be Michigan's next head coach, and not only that, but that he'd already picked out his new defensive coordinator.

Since then, however, ESPN and the world of Michigan chatrooms, blogs and message boards has been a maelstrom as reports have come out that he has in fact signed an extension to stay at LSU. Reports and counter-reports have been flying back and forth. Tension is high, anyone's guess at this point how this is going to shake out, though it's not looking promising for Michigan at the moment. (But that could change. It already has several times today).

So yeah... my blog dedicated to Michigan Stadium already has three posts on it, not one of them dedicated to Michigan Stadium. It happens.

But without further ado, I present in it's earliest, rawest form, with a temporary layout, etc:

1201 S. Main