Monday, February 26, 2007

Irish ping-pong

So... I'm going to have to go back and toss up a good introductory post talking about The Big Trip(tm) and why I finally decided to toss my hat into the blogosphere and all, but one of the main reasons was to have a sounding board and a place to vent as well as share my experiences.

The reason I'm up at such a ridiculously early hour, enough to start a blog and all before breakfast was to make a call to the Dept of Justice - Visa Section in Dublin. Their ever-user-friendly call center only takes calls between 10:00am and 12:30pm--Dublin time. That's 4:00-6:30am for us CST'ers.

I drag myself out of bed a little after six and dial them up. I actually get through to a rather pleasant sounding woman who at least doesn't throw up any more roadblocks when I explain my situation, but she directs me to the Gardai National Immigration Division (I think?) and gives me another number to call. First time up, no answer. I try back a few minutes later and only now that I'm trying to recall the specifics do I realize that the second conversation I had was a mirror image of the first, complete with being given another number to call.

After hanging up and looking at the number I realized that... yes, it was the same number I called the first time to get through to the Visa Section. *sigh*. I pick up the phone and dial again, figuring I'd try a different branch in the call center. As I navigate through the menu, I eventually reach a recording. "...this number offers telephone support from 10:00am to 12:30pm...."

The clock on my compy reads 6:29.

Did I mention they also only take calls Mon, Wed, Fri?

Lessons learned:
The good... No one told me 'no'. Actually, the first person was fairly helpful. She said that I don't need to seek any Visa or anything in particular--just write a letter to the Dept of Justice and explain the situation and ask for permission. Basically, confirming what I'd seen on It's just the details of figuring out exactly what I need to include in and with said letter, how long I can expect a reply to take, and what the odds of receiving said permission are.
The bad... See post title; try again Wednesday.
The ugly... 6am is for farmers and over-achievers.

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