Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy (belated) Easter!

Made it through the first night, and I don't appear to be having convulsions, or cold sweats or any other horrible symptoms, so I think I'm hopefully in the clear as far as the water contamination goes.

By the way, it is Cryptosporidium.

It was a bit of a lazy Easter Sunday. I didn't really leave the house today. The sky's been threatening to drip, although nothing's fallen all day. I also wanted to hang around for a while in mid day because someone else was coming to check out the fourth room and I wanted to be here to meet any potential future housemates. She ended up not coming around until almost dinner time, though. But between those two excuses, and figuring that not much would be open on Easter Sunday anyways, it was a good day to just hang around the house.

Nonetheless, I didn't let myself waste away the entire day sitting in my room or in front of the TV. Now here's something you probably didn't expect to read about in my adventures: I spent a good chunk of the day gardening. Or, landscaping, at least. The house has a really nice backyard. Well, for an Irish city backyard, anyways, which is to say it's a fairly good-sized concrete patio, closed in by cinder block walls, with some planting areas around the sides. It'd been long over-run by weeds, though, so I spent a few hours pulling dandelions, nettles, and rogue rose vines. I tried to keep as many of the rose vines intact as I could, so long as they kept to the planting troughs. In the middle of the patio was a large circular area of dirt and stone. It may have been for planting at one time, but there was nothing but dandelions in there now, so we (by this point, Conal had joined in the effort) dug up what should make a great little bonfire pit in the middle and pulled the weeds from the rest.

It needs a little more work, and maybe we can get some good stuff to plant along the sides, but a few chairs, maybe a table and a grill, and we've got ourselves what'll be an awesome little outdoor space to hang out in for the summer!

After that, I came back in, had a frozen pizza and watched a couple episodes of The Simpsons. (How's that for some down home American comfort!) Apparently RTE runs Simpsons marathons just about every holiday. It seems that there are more current American shows broadcast over here than I expected. Lost, Scrubs and 24 are available for sure, and Conal thinks Heroes is as well. I'll have to try and look up some listings online to find out if I'll be able to keep up with The Office, or maybe even Veronica Mars! No word yet on how far behind any of them are, though.

I just got a call from Nate he passed the phone around the Easter gathering at Dad's. I even got to talk to Ethan for a second. I then gave Mom a quick call since she was the only one I hadn't talked to yet.

So life is good.

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