Saturday, June 23, 2007

A taste of Michigan in Edinburgh airport? Sorta.

I might've been confused had I not stumbled across an article on wikipedia a few months ago.

See, I had always grown up believing that pasty's were Michigan's one, true, original cuisine. Local lore has it that the miners in the Upper Penninsula concocted these tasty little pockets of hot meat, potato and veg wrapped in dough as a meal that could be taken along in the morning which would stay hot until lunch time.

But, those yooper miners, many of whom were Cornish immigrants, brought the dish from their native land.

So I was only mildly surprised and amused when I stumbled across the West Cornwall Pasty Co. in the terminal area of Edinburgh Airport. I mean, not that we're in Cornwall, but at least its on the right island.

I should add though, that this hardly looked like your typical, rustic yooper pasty shack. Rather, its a converted VW minibus, painted black with flames down the sides, and a couple of matching surfboards strapped to the top. Speakers mounted at the sides were blaring gritty Chicago style blues.

How could I not stop in and sample the fare?

So yeah... at an airport. Again. More waiting. What's more is I'll probably check in again from Shannon, as I'll have another long wait for the bus there tonight, and won't get back to Galway until probably around 2am. But it'll be nice to be back there.

The next week, however, is going to be insane. I'm going to have a lot of thought I'll want to get out in word here, but I already know I'll hardly have the time. I've got tons of pictures and stories from Scotland (not to mention Dingle and Cork) but I'll probably try and keep the commentary there to a minimum, as I don't want to lose "the now".

In addition to just enjoying enough of the same sessions and pints that have been my every day life for the past few months, tomorrow is the Salthill Airshow. On Tuesday night, I'm going to Dublin to see Riverdance. My friend Meg, who I've been corresponding with now for a few months, has just arrived in Galway on the beginning of a similar journey to the one I've been on, and I'm looking forward to meeting and hanging out with her. And I have many other friends and acquaintences to enjoy my last days with while I'm here as well.

That's not even getting into packing, or buying last-minute souvenirs.

Or trying to figure out where my life (and this space for that matter) will be going after Friday.

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