Monday, August 20, 2007

Adventures in Home Rentership

Okay, so as it may seem obvious by now, this space is starting to wake up again. I'm not sure how long it'll last, but with the new changes and adventure of settling into my new place, I figure I'll have a lot of amusing observations and anecdotes about the house, and about living back in Ann Arbor. I'm going to be pretty busy the next few weeks, so don't expect anything of great substance, but I hope to toss a couple thoughts here and there.

For now, I'm dealing with the fact that none of the rooms in the house other than the kitchen and, (ironically) the sun room, have light fixtures. At the moment, I have one floor lamp that I have to keep moving from room to room with me. Meijers trip number one: floor lamps.

Also, I'm bemoaning the lack of an accessible Einstein Bros bagels. There is one in town, but it appears to be in the University hospital. I'll have to scope it out later, but I have a feeling its not a place that can be hit up for an easy, morning bagel-and-Mel's-Cool-Cap run. Instead, I ran out Barry Bagels on Jackson. Unimpressed by their selection, but the asiago I just had wasn't bad and they make a tasty iced mocha, so all may not be lost.

On a related note, I'm going to be living on bagels and cream cheese for probably the next 36 hours or so.


Anonymous said...

The move into the Canton place yielded the same frustration for me: no light fixtures anywhere! WTF? In a move of hopeful karma, however, we gave ALL our floor lamps to the new tenants when we moved out (except, you know, the really nice ones) since the Ferndale digs have installed lights in every room. Though I have to say, the image of someone moving room to room with a floor lamp, like a modern-day kerosene lantern, IS kind of funny. :)

Leslie said...

Check out the IKEA store in Canton. Lots of nice stuff and not too expensive.

Glad to hear you are getting settled in :)