Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dottie has gone public

I just sent out the mass mail notification to cover the bases of all those I hadn't told yet about my plans. To those of you stumbling over here for the first time from the link in that email, welcome!

And to anyone who gets the reference in the title of this post... props for the mad recognition skills, but my condolences if you admit to it. It was one of the best/worst movies I'm proud/embarrassed to own. ;)


Anonymous said...

I am back from our Florida/Grapefruit League trip and just got caught up with your blog postings. I like the timepiece at the top.......nice touch.

JLF said...

I got your email and I've been reading your blog. You should have told me about it a month ago and it wouldn't have taken me so long to catch up. Regardless, I'm really excited that everything is falling into place and I'll be reading regularly to see how the adventure procedes!
