Friday, March 30, 2007

Quick melancholy break

My room is just about empty now. I just shut down my desktop PC for the last time for the next few months, so I'm strictly running off the laptop now. Hope I got everything off it that I needed. The emptiness in here is disconcerting. I'm not looking forward to loading the car up by myself in the morning and taking off without anyone to say goodbye to. It was good that Justin worked from home today. Gave me someone to chat with throughout the day. Too bad he won't be around tomorrow to help me load up.

I still have to do a final sort through my clothes and pack up those that are going with me into my backpack, load enough for the next couple of days into my duffle bag, and box up the rest. Also need to box up the 'puters and have probably one more small box of random computer stuff in the closet to deal with.

But its getting very close now. Just need to keep thinking about what's ahead.

1 comment:

JLF said...

Moving usually does that to a person. I haven't lived in the same place for more than three years since high school and I felt that tug everytime I looked around the almost empty abode I was about to leave. Keep looking foward and keep us posted. We'll miss you on this side of the ocean.