Not to get all whiny and out of touch with perspective in this particular time and place especially, but I'm going to write the rest of this post by typing the keys where they should be, rather than where they actually are on this keyboard. It'll make a fun game. See if you can decode it:
I thought the Ger,qn keyboqrds zere bqd1
Supposedly; this B7B hqd free zi)fi; so I brought ,y lqptop: Qppqrently thqtùs not the cqse; so Iù, zorking on the %guest% co,puter doznstqirs:
Cqrentqn is q auiet tozn: The B7B is nice; qnd ,y roo, is fit for q king: Huge bqthroo,:
It took ,uch longer to get here thqn I expected; cue to so,e heqvy trqffic in Rouen qnd Cqen: Rouen looks like q bequtiful tozn; nestled in q,ong so,e i,pressive hills: The zeqther is rqther like zhqt I left behind in Gqlzqy:
Okqy; this is driving ,e nuts: If I cqn get through the lqnguqte bqrrier enough to figure out for sure if I cqn get ,y lqptop on the ZiFi; Iùll post ,ore: Otherzise; Iùll just updqte you qll zhen I get bqck on Sqturdqy:
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
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reading this post reminded me of all the times I helped you "de-code" the secret message in the Big Boy comic books.
Love you,
I got it figured out!!
I thought the German keyboards were bad!
Supposedly, this B&B had free wi-fi, so I brought my laptop. Apparently that’s not the case, so I’m working on the “guest” computer downstairs.
Carentan is a quiet town. The B&B is nice, and my room is fit for a king. Huge bathroom.
It took much longer to get here than I expected, due to some heavy traffic in Rouen and Caen. Rouen looks like a beautiful town, nestled in among some impressive hills. The weather is rather like what I left behind in Galway.
Okay, this is driving me nuts. If I can get through the language barrier enough to figure out for sure if I can get my laptop on the wi-fi, I’ll post more. Otherwise, I’ll just update you all when I get back on Saturday.
If only I had read the comments before giving myself a headache deciphering your post at 1:45 in the morning! Thanks to jim for the translation!
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