Sunday, May 6, 2007

So this is what Ireland is supposed to be like

I've been wanting to post about the weather, but have held off for two reasons: 1) it would've only come across as bragging, and 2) it would've surely been a jinx.

Well, after 34+ days, most of it spent in a country notorious for wet weather, I'm finally seeing some rain.

My first week in Clare it was cool, but dry and mostly sunny. If I had a nickle for every time I was told that week alone how lucky I was with the weather, my next side-trip would be paid for. When I got to Galway, the clouds started to roll in and I figured I was due. Yet aside from one walk back in barely even a mist, it stayed dry. Even the days that looked cloudy and threatening in the morning cleared up by the afternoon, or alternated between sun and cloud.

In Italy and Germany, the weather could not have been more perfect, except to take a few degrees off the mid-day sun. My second day in Rome was particularly hot, but all the other days were tolerable at their worst, and absolutely perfect in the morning, late afternoon and evening.

I returned to Galway and was treated to four straight days of what I consider the absolute ideal in weather--right around 70-72 degrees, sunny, with a nice light breeze.

Yesterday broke overcast and cool, yet despite threatening all day, barely more than spittled. Even now, the rain is light, but has apparently been pretty constant through the night, and the place is looking wet.

It had to figure as one of my housemates' friends was planning a barbecue today that we were all going to attend. I suspect the plan will go on, but we'll see. Regardless, I have NO room to complain.

But if there's anything to that law of averages, I likely won't see the sun again until I return to the States.

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