Thursday, May 17, 2007

Day of Days

I'm back at the B&B. No WiFi, but they let me plug in my laptop directly to the router, so it's something.

Yes, the post below was in fact made, via a phone text, from Utah Beach at 0630 this morning. I decided I wanted to be on the beach at H-Hour, and to try and get some pictures of the sun coming up over the beach. Well, I got half of that. It was extremely overcast, windy with light on and off rain. I've got a bunch of pics, but I'm not sure how well they'll turn out.

After exploring the beach for a bit, I came back to the B&B for breakfast, then set out for the day hitting St. Come-du-Mont, the Airborne Museum in St. Mere-Eglise, the gun batteries at Azeville and Crisbeque, then back to Utah to check out the monuments at Exit 4 and the D-Day museum before heading back towards Carentan, stopping off at the Dead Man's Corner museum between Carentan and St. Come-du-Mont.
I got back into Carentan in time to grab a nice dinner and had a few hours of daylight left, so I set out to just explore a few other towns whose names I'd heard in passing: Baupte, Vierville, Foucarville, Etienville, among others, and trying to find some other particular less-marked spots of interest.

I have a TON of photos, but I'm not going to take the time here to sort through them all and upload them, but to bring a little levity back first, I do have to share some pics of a store I discovered on the outskirts of town. I hereby declare Carentan the coolest city in France, and possibly the coolest city in all of Europe, outside Galway:

I first saw that on my way out of town this morning and was just shocked. It doubled up when I was coming back into town this evening and saw the side of the building:


Anonymous said...

Could you tell what type of store that was? Go back and tell them to repaint the place Maize and Blue instead of those gawd-awful stripes.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this is a transplanted Wolverine or what the deal is. You have to go back and check that place'd be silly not to.

Bad news, we lost last night, 5-3. The series is now 2-2, and we come home for game 5 on Sunday. This has been our pattern for the whole playoffs...split the first four and then come home, take game 5 and then 6. Let's hope the pattern keeps up.

Your friendly neighborhood Red Wings fanatic