Thursday, May 24, 2007

Normandy Report: - Post-Post-Script

I nearly forgot! Not wanting to clutter up my Blogabond map with too many details, I decided to create a second one just with the details of my stops for this trip. As with the map on the side, you may not be able to see the embedded version here if you are using an older version of IE, but you should be able to click HERE to view the map directly on Blogabond.

This, like the map on the side, is an interactive Google Map, so you can drag it around, zoom in, zoom out, and switch between Map, Satellite and Hybrid views to really get a sense of the places I stopped.


Anonymous said...

Excellent, excellent report on the Normandy beaches area. Makes my pictorial reports pail in comparison. Thank you very much for sharing with us.

BTW.....I gave you some exposure in The Victors site this morning with:

Have you been reading trUFERblue's blog?
Posted on May 24, 2007 at 06:57:33 AM by Caelus

I have been following his blog since he started it in Chicago before he left for Ireland and have to give him kuddos for his efforts. So far he has given us a great description of his travels in Italy and Munich, and now he is reporting on his trip to the beaches of D-Day. His reports put mine to shame and are well worth the read.

Rattlin' Blog

Tristan said...

Yeah, I saw that and posted a reply, just as it was scrolling to page 2.

Thanks for the plug, and for the compliments as well!

One of my goals when I came over here to hang out for a while was to try and get back into writing. I haven't gotten around to any creative fiction like I'd planned/hoped, but this has been a great excercise to at least shake the cobwebs out.

Maybe fiction will follow, maybe not, but either way its been great fun having this avenue through which to share the adventure with all of you.