Thursday, May 24, 2007

Permapost: Happiness Is...

Any of my old-school (I mean really old-school) APO folks who might happen to be reading this would remember ConferU. Confer was sort of a pre-cursor to modern day message boards, where we had various pre-defined topics that anyone in the group could add their thoughts to. One of them was "Happiness is..."

In order to bring a bit of an interactive nature to this site, I'm going to put up a permanent link on the right-side navigation to the comments on this post. Please feel free to leave comments there and tell us what's making YOU happy today, or any day. Post as often as you like! (Within reason folks. Unless you're a spammer, then by all means, please clutter my little sunny corner of the net with your V1ag ra and m0rtg^ge rubbish!)

Seriously, I'll leave it un-moderated and open for now, as long as there's no problems.

I'll start...


Tristan said...

Please feel free to tell us what's making you happy right now. Post as often as you like, as long as its in the spirit!

Tristan said...

Happiness is.... fresh organic produce.

Anonymous said...

Pulling in the driveway and being greeted by a beautiful white iris in bloom!

Anonymous said...

Sleep. Lots of sleep. And 2 days off from the Oak.


Tristan said...

Toasted soda bread with strawberry jam.

Tristan said...

Some good ol' fashion outdoor volunteer work at a nature center on a beautiful day.

Anonymous said...

Laying in a field of soft grass looking up at the clouds passing by, hearing only the sounds of nature...

Anonymous said...


Watching my beloved Red Wings.
Hearing loons on the nearby lake.
The smell of lilacs.
A kiss from a puppy.
Seeing Pavel Datsyuk's beautiful smile.
A walk along the beach.
Wings training camp in September, and knowing I'll be there.
When a friend says "I love you" and sends me a gift for no reason.
Pavel Datsyuk...period. Pure joy.

Anonymous said...

Happiness is...having both bosses in other cities immediately following a 4-day weekend! Ah, peace and quiet!

Tristan said...

...days like today.

Anonymous said...

Having a great birthday, and moving into my own home soon.


Anonymous said...

remembering confer...

Anonymous said...

It makes me happy when I get a gift for no particular reason. A friend of mine got me this really great Red Wings with red trim. It's awesome! I can't wait to wear it when it turns chilly.

It's always nice to get a gift without reason...and to give them too.

Tristan said...

...two straight nights of great music at The Crane Bar with an international flare--a Danish group playing Irish music, then an Italian/Polish/Irish group playing Blues.

Anonymous said...

Watching my children finally win in Little League and seeing all thier hard work paying off!

Anonymous said...

My happiness right now...having tickets to Red Wings camp in September! Look out, Pasha - you're on my radar!!!!

Anonymous said...

Having Jessica visit and comb out all the knots in my hair from surgery...then taking a longgggg shower!

Tristan said...

finally being able to wear shorts and tevas around town this afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Two perfect days of sailing!

Tristan said...

...knowing that friends are on a plane right now coming over to visit.

Tristan said...

unexpectedly getting through to Dad to wish him a Happy Father's Day after several failed attempts earlier.

Anonymous said...

Getting a phone call from an all-grown-up former Cub Scout, thanking me for my time and efforts on his behalf. He even remembered our old Den One cheer!
(even though said phone call came at 1:30 AM from Germany!)

Tristan said...

...still being in Galway, yet knowing I'll still be seeing family soon enough.

Anonymous said...

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